ATP Teen Team

What is the ATP Teen Team?
The ATP Teen Team is designed for teens between 7th and 11th grade that would love to participate in two-three photo sessions a year and meet new people from around town.
What are the Perks of the Teen Team?

There are a lot of great perks for ATP Teen Team members. Parents love that they get professional pictures of their son or daughter as they grow up through the teen years. For the teens, they get fun images for social media and get to build a relationship with their photographer so that by the time he or she is a senior they won't be nervous for the senior portrait session. Other perks include:
Two exclusive themed photo sessions each year
Custom Photo App of a selection of images from each session
Discounts on a family photo session
Discounts on your senior portrait session
Discounted prices on print products
Making new friends
Confidence in YOU!

Is there a cost of the ATP Teen Team?
Each session will have a small investment depending on the theme of the session. Each session that your child participates in earns you a discount off of their senior portraits as well!
Need more information? Request an ATP Teen Team Guide.